In the late 90s, we began feeding centers for little children in the remote tribal village of Bokkapuram where we also taught them basic alphabet and counting. This continued for almost 5 years. As we realized the need for giving formal education to the children, we closed down the village feeding centers, we decided to begin a English medium school in Masinagudi.
We began the school with 20 children from the village of Bokkapuram. Classes were conducted in a temporary shed constructed in our compound. In the following year, more children were brought to the school for free education.
The school gained a good testimony among the villagers. In 2003, we adopted a Tribal village (Irula Tribe) of Chemmanatham and in 2007 the Tribal village of Chokkanahally (Irula Tribe). Children from the other localities like Moyar, Theppakkadu and Masinagudi village also joined the school. Now there are a total number of 195 children from LKG through 8th Std. Out of this, 100 children are either from Tribal families or from very poor families and we give them free education and clothing and uniforms. In the morning, we bring the children in two vehicles and drop them back after the class.
The school targets mainly the tribal population living in and around Masinagudi. We would like to bring a very effective change in the society through our school work. Many students have graduated and have secured well-paid jobs both in the government and in private enterprises. Through this their families are being benefitted and released from the chains of poverty.

1. Sponsorship of teachers – We find it difficult to pay salaries of our staff due to the fact that we do not have enough income from the nominal fees charged by us. We would be grateful if we are helped in this regard.
2. Infrastructure – We are in need of an auditorium for the school to conduct events and meetings.
3. Interactive classrooms – Due to the changing educational methods, we are required to switch over to interactive learning. We require funds to purchase the interactive technology required for classroom teaching.
4. School bus – Thanks to a benevolent contribution from a family in Australia, we were able to purchase a school bus in 2011. Now the bus has reached the end of its lifetime and we require a new school bus to transport children.
5. Play equipment for kindergarten – We lack proper play equipment (indoor and outdoor) for our kindergarten students. Hence we would be grateful if we could raise funds for this purpose.